Hello and welcome to my art :)

As you engage with the pieces, what do you see?

Focus your attention on the circles in each piece...these are the heads. Now, do you see the bodies connected to one another, embracing and dancing together?

Congratulations, and welcome to the Ecstatic Dance of InterBeing!

“InterBeing”, coined by the Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh, is a term used to convey the notion that all things (living and non-living) exist in a state of interconnection and mutual dependence. In other words, everything is empty of self-being and everything is full of everything. Everything contains everything else.

This concept of “togetherness” has been a reoccurring theme throughout my life. From the strong family and community bonds that have carried me into adulthood, to the theories of “Gaia” which I studied during my academics at Cambridge University, to the blossoming community I have here in Austin, TX - I am witness to the necessity of InterBeing.

Upon reflection, I find it quite amusing that I started painting these pieces of InterBeing during a time of immense global isolation - the Covid19 pandemic. While the world was forced into isolation, including myself locked in a small drafty attic in Northern Scotland, these pieces of interdependence, connection, and celebration were born.

January 2025 - showcasing my art for the first time at my friend’s art show in Austin

My art journey…(so far)…

For me, painting is an art form which allows me to experiment, play, and explore various realms of creativity. I meticulously design each piece with detailed attention on the movement and flow in each connected body. I have also gained a new love and appreciation for color as I learn to play with palettes and embrace color theory, drawing inspiration from nature and daily encounters.

Through painting, I am able to escape my demanding full-time job, which requires intense exercise from my left brain, and embrace creativity and imagination.

While I am only in the beginning phase of my artistic journey, I am excited for the future. I have big dreams and an even bigger imagination.

If you like my art, or would like to chat, please reach out! :) I am always keen to meet other artists, collectors, and art enthusiasts! Thanks for stopping by and taking a moment to appreciate my art!